Miscellaneous Fixes and Gameplay For Unreal Tournament 2k4
UT2k4 is an old game at this point so there’s some stuff that didn’t translate well to things like monitors with triple-digit refresh rates. There are also some gameplay quirks that aren’t really well documented.
Unreal Tournament 2004 Server Hosting with LinuxGSM
I’m writing this post mostly for me as a reference if/when I want to do this in the future, but these are the steps I followed to get up and running with a UT2k4 server.
Moving Forward: Made it to Gold!
I’ve noticed that whenever I say that I’ve moved forward, I always prepend it with “finally.” There’s a lot that goes into moving between ranks even though the point difference between Silver and Gold is just 2000 lp. I’ve reached the halfway mark, albeit barely.
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